Page 19 - WinterSpring-24-PlayGuide
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APRC Values


                                                   Community                  Stewardship

                                                                    Pride in

              We value the             We believe that           We are inspired            We are grateful
           cultural, social and       learning improves            to do better             to be entrusted
           ecological diversity       our quality of life.        and be better.           with public lands. 
           of our community.           That’s why APRC           That’s why APRC            That’s why APRC
             That’s why APRC         works collaboratively        is committed to          undertakes careful
             is committed to            with partners to         excellence through        planning to protect
             the health of our        cultivate curiosity in   teamwork, innovation          both our natural
           team, our public and       our community.  We         and integrity.  We         resources and our
             our environment,          provide accessible          hold ourselves          fiscal sustainability. 
            every day.  We are        opportunities to all,        professionally         As stewards, we take
             responsive to our        stimulating life-long      accountable to our         a long view of our
           community by public         learning through          customers, to our        responsibility, and we
              processes that           internal trainings,        partners, to one         work together with
            build trust through        youth education,            another and to          our community and
            transparency and             recreational            ourselves.  We love       volunteers striving
            equity.  Our tool-kit         programs,              our work, so every          to enhance the
            includes kindness,         publications and         day we show up with       beauty, diversity and
          fairness and a heaping        events that both       creativity, compassion     ecological integrity of
              serving of fun!         inspire and connect.     and a sense of humor.           our parks.  

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